The Village Storytelling Festival

While the Executive Director of the Village Storytelling Centre, I founded this festival, Scotland’s contemporary storytelling festival in 2016. I designed it as a place where storytelling could shine as a vibrant, modern art form. I wanted to push the boundaries of what was considered to be storytelling, to encourage cross artform story-led work and create a space where the storytelling community could come together to discuss the art and application of storytelling.

As the artistic director of all iterations to date, in 2022, I was delighted to be invited back to lend my expertise as artistic lead to programme, direct and produce this festival with an international focus as part of the Year of Scotland’s Stories.

"One of the most forward-looking, inspiring pieces of storytelling programming I have seen"

Naomi Wilds

Get In Touch

Please get in touch via the contact page, or you can book a call with me.